……were the surprise Tomiko brought over for our Christmas celebration…more on that in just a bit.
‘Honey Baked Ham’ was yum, yum and the amazing thing is they suggest not re-heating but just leaving it out at room temperature for two hours. I made Orzo that came out pretty good and sweet potatoes with lots of stuff were on the stove top. Also home made cranberries and a jello mold made using stewed tomatoes (love it ‘cause it’s red!)
Calling all cooks……
Here comes Tomiko with her salad….Vicki’s carving the ham…Charles patiently awaits….
Mom too….
Time to open presents if we can stop laughing…
Kita’s in the process of destroying her present…a level nine supposedly indestructible one from Vicki, Nikka & Emma…oh well….
Tomiko & I share a giggle….
This is soooo precious….a lucky shot!
Who’s that peeking around the corner trying to see what’s going on????
Mom got the cutest cards!!!
This one not only plays music but lights up!
O.K., here it is….the magical, mystical wondrous moment. You light an area under the lantern and hold on until enough hot air fills the space and you make a wish as it lifts off.
Next day Mary Beth came by to take Kita to the park…they just returned and what a tale she had to tell…..
Now Kita is behaving…..but…..wait for it….
You won’t believe….wait for it….
Kita’s listening too. See the blue ‘thingie’ in Mary Beth’s hand? That’s the lead line that was around her muzzle and attached to a heavy hook on the floor of the van.
Yes, you’re good now but what about when you were hanging half way out of Mary Beth’s van as she drove down the hill. What about when she stopped to push you back inside. What about when you decided to jump out of the one third open window and broke loose from your moorings and ran to the two black labs? Yeah….what about that!
To be continued………