Monday, October 13, 2014


……was held in the Nan Rae Studio for Lisa’s newest book, CHINA DOLLS.  Nikka had wonderful signage to show the way to the studio and Armstrong Nursery co-operated with this large mum to begin the journey.

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Amy had created the most amazing floral displays for this very special event.

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Here’s a closer look from later that evening when they were on the dining room table.

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Jane Windsor’s company, ANYONE FOR TEA did the catering and it was pitch perfect ….

Here’s sweet Jane with Vicki, one of her wonderful servers.

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 The Prosecco was a last minute addition and I think it was a big hit!  As was the iced tea and juice when we learned it would be over 100 in the valley.

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 I so hope everyone tried all of Jane’s creations!

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Anyone notice the petit fours from Valerie’s in Beverly Hills?

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I think our Sandie Girl did.

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Vicki is always camera ready!

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I was so happy Trudy was back from her 52 day jaunt in Europe (not as happy as Kita) and she and Olga had a chance to catch up.

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O.K., group shot with thanks to Lynne. From the left:  Kathy, Jessica, Sandie, Violet  and Alice

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Wilbur and Ralph, surrounded by all these females, thought it best to band together.

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This is so cute…Pam with Violet and Jessica!


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Love the flowers so much….have to see them again!

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Lizzie Girl and Kc …….

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And here’s Miss Judith with Pam & Dr. Eileen who saved the day by loaning me 16 chairs!  Thank you Dr. Eileen!!!

Note another of Amy’s glorious arrangements….thank you dear Amy!


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I was so happy Alice could be here.  Imagine driving from Santa Monica on a 100 plus degree day in the valley!!! She’s talking with Trinadad.  Wish I had a photo of everyone!  If you have any….please, please send them to me.

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Meet Marine, who lives in the new house on the point. Welcome to the neighborhood Marine!

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Shutterbugs Nikka and Lynne……thank you both for the photos you took!

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I’ve written about Marsha Ramos….the most incredibly caring person on the planet.  Marsha was the mayor of Burbank and we met at that time when we were co-judges for a grade school art contest.  Marsha is leading the way on every fine civic project…..kudos!

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Let’s hear it for the cuties, awesome Lisa B. canoodling with Lissi Kaplan who paints all of the china services for both the Peninsula and Montage hotels.


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Thank you Lissi for this Peninsula tea time accessory.

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What an honor and privilege to have Lisa See here…. I could hardly contain the joy I felt! 

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Everyone was so delighted and we were all enthralled!

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Carol Soucek King (in the hat) was her glamorous self! I see Molly to the left behind her and Tomiko directly to her right.  How did that happen!!!

Priscilla Gibbs, a docent at LACMA and authority on the Japanese Tea ceremony is directly to the left of Lisa’s hand.

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 Kc, Eileen, Miss Judith and Lizzie.

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Time to sign those books….

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Mom was thrilled to have her copy as was Kathy along with everyone else as Lisa graciously personalized them all!  Thank you, thank you Lisa!

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And I was over the moon!

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Lisa you’re one in a million….make that a billion and I’m totally and completely in awe of you.  Your friendship has been my treasure through the years.  Just so you know, my blog on that dark and stormy night going to your house for the ‘book club’ is still one of my all time best stories! ‘It Was a Dark & Stormy Night' posted to on January 4th 2011 and followed by ‘Remember It Was a Dark & Stormy Night?’ posted on April 3rd of 2011 on January 4th

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Everyone loved seeing Charles who came up later…..

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….and he was delighted too!

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Afterwards, Charles, mom, Nikka, Vicki, Kim and I sat and relived the party with Man About Town Rex, Dr. Eileen and hubby David who came by to pick up their chairs.

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With thanks to Jane and Amy for their help in making this a perfect day!

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My heart is filled with gratitude for each and every one of you for sharing this day that will linger in all our memories.

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There is no avoiding the pull of the internet, the blogs, the YouTube imaginings. It's as if we're all 'On the Road' with Jack Kerouac each in our own world of meanderings. When we tell someone to 'get a life' it might be a bit difficult when you're dragged into other people's 24/7.

I've come to realize two foundational principals, there are no accidents and everyone has a purpose. More and more I'm desiring everyone to come into a full realization of their purpose as we all find our way on this little jewel of a planet.

For me, as a professional 'Western style artist', I stumbled into Chinese Brush Painting after a trip in 1980 to Monet's home/garden. Seeing all of his collection of Japanese woodblock prints was an ahh haa moment for me and when I returned to the States I started painting in the Chinese manner and never looked back. The first year was extremely painful for me as I felt that I should be able to master the technique since I was a 'trained' artist. Not a chance ... that just gets in your way.

Now, after teaching close to 3,000 students and having my book 'The Ch'i of the Brush' published by Watson Guptill, I can say that every one of my students does better their first day than I did my first year! Why? Because I insist that they leave their critical parent outside and just enjoy the journey, respecting the work that they do. I never let anyone throw anything away because that just ingrains frustration and defeat.

We really only begin to learn when we stop and figure out how to 'save' a painting. It works every time.I am so proud of my students, their receptivity and eagerness to express themselves is a continuing blessing for me.So, back to finding your purpose. Perhaps it starts with realizing 'it's not about me'. It so easy to want our needs met and to filter everything thru this attitude. When we realize that we're here to be of benefit to every life that we touch the universe really provides the ways and means.

The best part is that it's really exciting to not have yourself on your mind all the time!I'm re-reading a wonderful book about authenticity and in my next meandering I'll tell you about it. In the meantime I'd love to hear about your journey and am here to answer any and all questions about Chinese Brush Painting.